

Cultivating Leads, Loyalty, and Lifelong Customers with a Bank-Focused CRM

Combined with the right strategy and process, a CRM enables banks and credit unions to connect the dots throughout the entire customer lifecycle. With these insights, banks and credit unions can customize messaging, continually recommend the next best product for the individual, and foster long-term loyalty.

What Millennials and Gen Z want from a credit union

We’ve all heard the generalizations about sensitive Millennials and the online entranced, eye-rolling Gen Z. While not everything you read is true, except that Gen Z is figuratively glued to their phones, both see things through a digital yet old-world lens. Nothing says that more than the incredible resurgence of lo-fidelity vinyl records. It’s crazy, but that outdated music format now outsells both compact discs and digital music, according to Statista. If that doesn’t show the power of these two generations, nothing will. So, how do you reach these often misunderstood groups and convince them your credit union exists? Get to know them and what they want.

How member data is better than money

Every credit union has a strong call to action that revolves around people helping people. It’s a noble cause that has served the industry and members everywhere well. What does that mission entail at your credit union? Is it driven by data? If not, your credit union could be missing out on opportunities to grow, evolve, and help your members strive for their dreams. That makes data a big part of the greater good. It also makes it better than a blank check for your credit union’s future.

Take proactive collections to the next level

Saving money for a rainy day isn’t easy for the average household. A PSCU survey found that 60% of Americans struggle financially and a full third live paycheck-to-paycheck. To top that off, Bankrate discovered that 56% of U.S. households cannot cover a $1,000 unexpected bill. Can you identify at-risk members and help them before they get into financial trouble? Proactive collections can make a big difference in your bottom line and your members’ lives.

Improve cross-sales with data instead of quotas

Love it or hate it, cross-selling is a big part of every credit union. It’s how people discover what you offer. It’s also how your CU grows. However, both members and employees have been known to say cross-selling is pushy and uncomfortable. But with the right CRM to fully utilize your data across your CORE and other platforms, you can design intelligent offers that actually work — all without the pushy or awkward tactics.

How to unlock the future: Predicting your members’ behaviors with CRM magic

For too long, credit unions have relied on the idea that knowledge + intuition would predict the future. But it doesn’t. All you get are vague assumptions, like some crystal-ball fortune-teller at a fly-by-night carnival. Sure, they’ll tell you what you want to hear. But you’ll lose money, time, and dignity in the process. To get real answers that retain (and attract) members, deepen relationships, and grow your credit union, you need to add data to the equation. Let’s take a look at these three magic words and how they, along with forward-thinking strategy and process, can make predictions possible for your credit union.

Unlocking CRM’s full potential: What CUs keep missing

Imagine being the secret admirer and the best friend of each of your members — all at once. That type of bond can turn a fleeting member connection into a meaningful, lasting relationship. But let’s face it, as much as you’d like them to, your members probably don’t see your credit union in the same light. The harsh reality is, they’re just not that into you. Many of your members are a swift swipe away from choosing another financial partner. With member loyalty hanging by a thread, you have the power to strengthen or sever relationships. The good news is you can solidify these wavering bonds. Enter CRM – a tool that promises to not just fortify relationships and retain members, but also to chart a growth trajectory for your credit union. The challenges include overcoming common misinterpretations of what a CRM should deliver and dodging pitfalls in its implementation. Yes, it’s daunting that 69% of digital transformations fall short, according to McKinsey. But the potential rewards of a well-implemented CRM are too compelling to ignore. So, let’s explore the secret sauce of successful CRM implementation together. It’s time to transform how you succeed with CRM.