Have you ever been afraid to take out a loan? Have you ever put experience ahead of price? Yeah, us too. It all comes back to that human element that drives everything, including the relationship between FIs and the people they serve. And we got to sit down for a chat with a true expert on the subject.
Trust. It’s the foundation of, well, pretty much everything when it comes to relationships, including those between an FI and its members or customers. So, we were thrilled to sit down and learn from one of the world’s greatest experts on creating high trust in a high-tech world. Todd Duncan is a Best-Selling Author, a Sales Entrepreneur with 5 million clients world-wide, and our honored guest this week on CRMNEXT’s Banking on Experience podcast.
Ah the holy trifecta of the credit union world: Leagues, CUs, and CUSOs… To have been a part of all three—and succeeded beautifully in each one—is impressive. It also means you have some seriously stellar insight to offer. Lucky for us—and more especially, for our listeners—we got to pick the brain of one such expert. LeAnne Case, Senior VP of Marketing and Communications at The Servion Group, sits down to share her journey—this month on CU Changemakers: Women On Work (WOW).
Do you find the world of trading a touch intimidating? Enthralling? Completely foreign but still a little fascinating? If capital investment piques your interest at all—and perhaps it should—this is the Banking on Experience podcast episode for you!
Innovation. It’s a make-it-or-break-it requirement for ANY company, and financial institutions are no exception.